When using this website, some information may be collected automatically using ‘cookies’. These are small text files that facilitate the processing of your data and enable us to analyse how the website is being used. Cookies can be temporary or permanent.
Temporary cookies form part of the security process while you are using the website; permanent cookies identify the link you used to find our website, check your browser so that we can make sure that our website and services work well with your computer and to help us monitor traffic on our website.
What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files that are placed in your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. These are small text files that facilitate the processing of your data and enable us to analyse how the website is being used.
There are two types of cookies, in regard to its lifespan:
Why are cookies used?
They help visitors. Cookies allow sites to do things like provide personalised content and remember their log-in details and settings. You can turn them off – this won’t stop a website from working, but it might mean it won’t work as well as it could, or that you have to do the same thing more than once.
They help website owners. Cookies tell website owners things like, what search engine a visitor used to find the website, how often they’ve visited it, how long they’ve spent on it, and so on. Except for essential cookies, all cookies will expire after 10 years.